Release of 0.1.1

Sep 4, 2020 • Bastian van den Bout

We have seen some activity on the downloads pages on sourceforge for the new LISEM software! Thanks for your interest!

I hope you all have had some uses for the software. If there are any issues or questions, please contact us. You can use the github discussions page, or email

For now, there is a new version: 0.1.1. See the downloads page for the available files. You will find a lot of bug fixes, stability and memory issues resolved. Additionally, there is now reasonably good support for 3d datasets with the introduction of the Field object. You can use similar code as for maps, except the data is stored as .fld (3d netcdf file internally). so: a.fld = b.fld + sin(ZCoord(c.fld)); These fields can be used with the (now working) 3d water flow model (FlowIncompressible3D) and seismic model based on SW4 (SeismicModel class). There are also major improvements to the rigid physics simulation using the Project Chrono library. These can be used from the scripting language and interact with 3d and 2d water flow. Tutorials will be added at some point to this site.

Thank you for your interest and happy modelling!
