LISEM Classic
Welcome to the LISEM documentation
There are two versions of the LISEM model you might be interested in.
LISEM classic
This is the traditional version of LISEM, well-tested software for hydrology, erosion, flooding and groundwater processes. This model has a rich interface where you can specify input, processes and output. | ![]() |
For more information on how to use this model, see the LISEM Classic page, or download it from the downloads page.
The new version of lisem is a broad geo-spatial simulation and analysis tool with a focus on multiple natural hazards such as floods, hydrology, tsunami, erosion, landslides, debris flows and earthquakes. This model has an interfaced model, but most work is done through the scripting language, where all these processes and many more algorithms are provided as easy-to-use functions. | ![]() |
For more information on how to use this software, see the Getting Started page, Examples page for algorithms and the LISEM hazard model for an introduction to the multi-hazard mode. You can download it from the downloads page.